A workplace injury lawyer is a legal professional who is highly experienced in workers compensation law. This type of attorney can help you complete any employee compensation claims that need to be processed. As well, a personal injury lawyer will be able to identify all the potential sources of compensation you might be eligible for. An experienced lawyer can make this difficult time easier and ensure that your claim and bids for compensation are appropriately managed and successful in their outcome.
Some of the most difficult parts of filing and pursuing any employment insurance claim are following the precise and time sensitive bureaucratic process. Having a skilled and experienced personal injury attorney on your side can make this difficult process easier. You can spend your time healing from your injury, while your lawyer manages your claim. After selecting your workplace injury lawyer, there are several important steps that you can expect.
All on-the-job injury claims are processed through the Ontario WSIB board, or the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Each plaintiff who files an on-the-job claim, is applying for specific wage replacement benefits and medical expense reimbursement. Your injury claim will need to be proven with reliable and verifiable medical documentation. Be sure to keep all of your important medical and lab testing results that you receive from your treating physician.
Your medical charts are incredibly important documents when it comes to proving that you have been significantly injured as a result of your workplace injury. Your doctor may need to provide a narrative about your injuries; when these injuries occurred and when you came for medical treatments. Your physician may be asked to determine and provide a prognosis for healing any injuries that you have sustained. Any recommended rehabilitation for your condition will also need to be noted. Be sure to keep all of these records. Certain trends in WSIB claims may influence your case.
At the end of this process, a qualified workplace injury lawyer can help with an appeal if your case comes back with an unfavourable decision from the WSIB. An experienced lawyer can be valuable during this type of legal appeals process, since a successful worker’s compensation claim will require that you accept the final benefits that have been awarded to you. Accepting your settlement conditions in this type of legal case means that you relinquish any further rights to sue your employer. Another issue that WSIB specific law teams can help you with is any legal help after a motor vehicle accident you might need.
Your successful settlement will be a trade-off or bargain that is reached between you and your employer. Your settlement funds can come in the form of a weekly payment or a type of disability payment, in place of your normal wages. Most medical expenses are paid for by WSIB compensation and this type of insurance settlement is a form of health coverage for your injuries. Hire a lawyer who knows exactly how the system works and what kind of compensation is appropriate to expect, and you’ll find yourself in good hands.