Standing Your Guard Around Dangerous Dogs

For millions of people across the country, dogs are faithful companions who bring joy into their daily lives. This of course is the case for many, but not for all. While there are countless of dog lovers out there, there is also a large contingent of those who avoid canines altogether, and with valid reasoning. 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, with the most frequent sufferer being young children. A dog will act out and defend itself if it perceives a threat or finds itself in a frightening situation.

Not all dogs will be friendly and approachable, and this is why individuals need to be educated and prepared when they find themselves around a cantankerous canine. Atlanta firm Van Sant Law has provided a short infographic explaining a plethora of reasons why a dog may lash out and attack someone, while also providing information on what you can do to prevent bites from happening to yourself and those around you.

To read more on how to keep yourself safe from dog bites, please see the accompanying resource.

Infographic courtesy of Van Sant Law, an Atlanta personal injury law firm