The Importance of Digital Marketing For Lawyers

Digital marketing offers professionals from all branches the opportunity to grow their businesses and, given the specialization in the legal sector, it is important to know about several digital marketing tools for lawyers to help achieve more customers. However, let’s start at the beginning. What is digital marketing? Well, simply, it is the application of a set of actions and strategies carried out on the Internet to advertise, promote and market the products or services of a company.

What is Digital Marketing for Lawyers?

Ok, understood, but let’s go one step further… What is digital marketing for lawyers? Well, it is the application of this set of tactics and strategies to the legal world. It would be the series of actions that you can carry out, through digital media, to publicize your law firm or your services, to inform your potential clients and generate a solid reputation with them or to offer your services online.

Is It Necessary To Use Digital Marketing in Law?

Is it necessary for a law firm to implement digital marketing strategies? To answer this question, it is necessary to pose the question in a more global way, starting from a fundamental premise: a lawyer must be where his clients are. Obviously, you cannot ask a lawyer to become an expert in digital marketing overnight, because his thing is law and that is what he has to continue dedicating himself to. What can the lawyer do then to exploit the digital environment? Below are some clear and specific basic digital marketing measures for lawyers that can make their clientele grow.

Have a professional website for your office

There are many reasons why lawyer websites are recommended, especially for a 21st-century lawyer who wants to be aware of how his clients think and act. Gone are the days when lawyers handed out business cards or collected their contacts by word-of-mouth referrals.

Get potential clients through professional directories

When potential clients search for legal services, they will often visit online directories. The reason is simple. These platforms are very well positioned in search engines and it is generally where the first results of any search related to a lawyer are shown.

By listing your legal services in these directories, you are building a path for potential clients to find your services, increasing your visibility, which can lead to increased traffic and more leads. And here is where it is necessary to have a website. These listings generally include a button to contact you, but… wouldn’t you prefer that the directories first take the potential client to your website and see how you stand out from your competition through it?

Create a listing on Google My Business

Nowadays, everyone goes with their mobile phone in their pocket and, even most of the time, they carry out searches related to their location. Therefore, it is important that you register your law firm in a local directory such as Google My Business, which is an excellent tool to promote your legal services to potential local clients and, best of all… IT’S FREE!! To be able to enjoy Google My Business you only need to have a Google account (or what is the same, Gmail).

My Business listing is that little tab that appears next to your name when someone searches for it on Google. The tab shows the most important information about the company, such as the name, your website, the telephone number, the address, the business hours, and the services it provides, as well as, if you want photographs, from your office. Also, if you create a location on Google Maps and link it to your My Business listing, the location of your office will appear on a map on the listing itself. But in addition to information, these cards contain very interesting functionality, such as customer reviews.

Use social media

On social networks, you have to be aware of why you are there, and dedicate a minimum of time and effort to give your potential clients value. What social networks should you use? Well, it depends on who your potential clients are, your sector, your abilities and communication skills, and your image.

  • LinkedIn is a great networking tool if you work with corporate clients.
  • Twitter works well as a speaker for your messages and opinions.
  • YouTube is a powerful tool to strengthen your authority and become a reference on certain topics, due to the enormous reach it has and the immediacy of the audiovisual format.
  • Facebook is the giant where everyone is and, therefore, it is usually a good way to get clients in cases of matters that affect large sectors of the population, matters that many people talk about.
  • Instagram, although it may not seem very appropriate, is very useful for creating a brand image and, above all, targeting a younger audience that is more open to direct and visual messages.

Using Paid Ads

Many companies use Google Ads to post their paid ads. You can also place your ads on other platforms like Youtube, for example. And, of course, you can insert them onto different social networks, which also, by having access to their users’ data, allow you to segment the recipients in a very precise way.

In summary, digital marketing is a process as useful as it is necessary these days when digitization is advancing at full speed. By following these digital marketing strategies for the legal field, you can improve your digital presence and generate more potential clients for your law firm. The ball is now in your court. Do you want to remain a 20th-century lawyer or would you rather be a 21st-century lawyer? Ask the experts at Rocket Pilots Digital Marketing firm.

Posted Under Law