Family law solicitors are not just needed when things go wrong in a marriage that results in divorce. Any divorce in general is not as simple as you think it is. There are many reasons why people need family law experts on their sides. If you have an issue involving one or more family members, you need this expert, too. Know a handful of the many reasons why family law solicitors London are available to assist you with your matters.
Divorce Is One Reason
Getting a divorce, whether there is any spousal support or property dispute involved, is one very good reason why you need a solicitor. Even if your case is very simple, you need a professional willing to go to court and have your marriage ended legally. If you are not thinking of getting a divorce, you can ask one of these experts simply for help.
Separation Is another Reason
A separation is a marriage that has not ended but has resulted in a physical and emotional avoidance of the two spouses. The couple is fed up with each other but does not want to call it quits yet. It is a legal situation that may involve disputes over property and assets. Talk to a family law solicitor who knows all about separation and the entitlements of the spouse.
Disputes over Children in a Divorce or Separation
When divorces or separations happen, children get caught up in the middle. Usually, one spouse keeps the children full time while the other spouse gets only part-time visitations. As a parent, find out what your rights are in regards to visitations on weekends and holidays.
Child Custody Battles
A child custody battle is very common in the dissolution of a marriage. The parents play tug-of-war with the children they are raising. Know all of your rights if your spouse is making threats against you, such as threatening to sell the house or take the children away. A solicitor knows how to deal with these hostile issues.
To avoid going to court, you can get a resolution that allows you to resolve a family law case. With the help of a mediator or other expert, speak to your spouse like two grown adults would do. With the help of your solicitor, come up with a mutual agreement.
Cohabitation Laws
If you plan to live with your partner, know all of your legal rights. Know how to handle legal matters if the relationship falls apart. Instead of handling the issue hostilely, have a solicitor explain the options to you.
Family law is a complex area that includes divorce, separation, child custody, child support, spousal support, prenup agreements, inheritances, property divisions and much more. Some spouses argue over who owns the home after a divorce, others argue over who keeps the kids. Before you do anything with the spouse who you have fallen out of love with, contact a qualified family law solicitor to help you understand your case.