Perhaps, you are one of the millions of people who worked hard for decades. Now, you are experiencing health problems that make it impossible for you to work. You decide to apply for SSD or Social Security Disability. Next, you file a claim and the claim is denied. You can’t believe that they actually denied your claim. Frustration sets in and you don’t know what to do next. Well, this happens more than you might imagine. It appears that the government is in the business of denying claims more than clearing claims. Myler Disability Attorneys are the one’s to contact for help with your claim.
Approval Rates
Check the statistics. You are not alone. The approval rates for social security disability benefits are very low. Generally, only about 35 percent of the claims are approved. Certainly, it is difficult receiving approval for social security disability benefits. In fact, only about 10 percent of those applying for reconsideration are approved. Therefore, it is safe to say that there is more than a 50 percent chance that your application will get denied on the first try. Myler Disability Attorneys strongly believe that legal representation will level the playing field and help the claimant win their claim. They work closely with their clients to help them file an appeal the right way and win their claim case.
Typical Reasons For Denial
The fact is that most people really do not understand the entire process. Certainly, the average person applying for social security disability does not know the typical reasons that a claim is denied. Well, it is very straight forward. There is one top reason for denial. Generally, the top reason is because the claimant didn’t have enough medical proof to back up their claim for disability. Social Security officials like to review medical records and reports that support the fact that the claimant is unable to work. The lack of that proof makes it almost impossible for the disability office to make a decision in their favor.
Another reason some people are denied benefits is because they do not understand the appeal process. As stated before, more than 50 percent of the claims are denied. However, the claimant is allowed to appeal their case again to the disability office. Statistics show that about 10 percent of those that appeal the initial decision are approved. The good news is that the majority of those that file an appeal a second time to a Federal Administrative Official are approved. The lesson to learn is that appealing a claim works.
The first step is to make sure that your disability is covered by social security. Contact an attorney to help you understand the rules and regulations.