Going to the supermarket is a mundane weekly for many people that pass without a single incident. Most supermarkets are extremely safe, with well-trained staff members that are able to remove hazards and prevent them from happening.
However, there is a minority of people who go to the supermarket and become injured as a result of negligence by the supermarket company.
If you find that you are injured on a visit to the supermarket, you may be entitled to claim some compensation. This means that you will want to do some research and hire the best accident solicitors in Yorkshire to handle your case.
There are several injuries that you might sustain whilst you are at the supermarket. What are the most common ones?
Tripping Over Food Carts
When supermarket workers are stocking the shelves with new produce, they wheel large food carts around the aisle. Sometimes, you might catch your foot on the wheel of the food cart and fall to the ground. This might cause you to dislocate your knee or twist your ankle. You might want to explore the possibility of making a claim for financial compensation if you cannot go to work after the accident occurs.
You should take care when you are walking around the supermarket, and try to give the food carts a wide berth if this is possible.
Slipping On Food That Has Fallen Onto The Floor
Supermarkets pride themselves on keeping their aisles clean so that people can walk up and down them safely. You might be walking down the aisle of the supermarket and you unexpectedly slip on a tomato or a banana which has inadvertently fallen onto the floor. You might have a hamstring injury or a broken arm as a result of the fall.
Supermarkets need to make sure that their aisles are not covered with debris that customers can slip over on. This is especially dangerous for elderly shoppers, who are at greater risk of breaking their hips or their legs from a fall than younger people.
The floors should be tidied up by the supermarket as soon as possible, and shop assistants should put up signs that clearly indicate that there is some debris in the aisle. Then you will be able to avoid it much more easily.
These types of falls can be extremely distressing, and a qualified injury solicitor will be able to guide you through the process of making a claim after you have suffered a fall in the store.
Injured By Falling Produce From The Shelves
Sometimes the shelves of the supermarket may have been stacked poorly, and produce might fall onto you and injure you. You might suffer lacerations to the head or broken thumbs as you try to protect yourself from the falling debris.
If you have been injured at the supermarket, explore the possibility of making a claim for compensation.